Monday, September 14, 2009

Haven't written on here in awhile but we've been really busy! I've started back at the coffee shop and Jackson is growing a ton. He's 5 1/2 months and he's started to sit up all by himself. He won't roll over just yet but he's got the sitting up part down pretty good... even when he falls forward. Jackson is too funny I love when he wakes up in the morning and has tons to say. As if he hasn't seen me in days that he has to tell me everything that has happened! I just love that little man!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

5 months and growing

Well today is August 26th and my big boy is already 5 months! WOW! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? He's becoming more and more like his father everyday and I think thats what gets to me. His personality, his face, his laugh, his smile resembles his father so much these days that I can't wait for his next "Nathaniel" moment! But yes, 5 months, its such a milestone but then again everyday is such a milestone! He's starting to recognize something and grab for it just like the other day I had my mouth open and he reached for my mouth with his hands. Amazing! I love those kind of moments we have together! Even though we just started baby food the other day he is getting really good at letting me know when he wants more and when he doesn't want any! I guess it's easy to tell when he's done since his hands and bib go into the mouth and he'll turn his head!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First solids

This morning Jackson had his first real experience with solid foods. I mixed a few tablespoons of cereal with applesauce and oh, man did he LOVE it! He ate around 6 tablespoons before refusing to put anymore in his mouth. Then he had another 6 oz. of breast milk just to top it all off. All in all it was a great morning other than the insanely huge poo! It was large enough that I had to give him a bath to really get him clean! And some how my bed sheets ended up getting the brunt of it!

Then for lunch I mixed up some more cereal with peas and again he seemed to really like the change in meals! Jackson opened his mouth to let me know when he wanted more, it was great! He was so cute as he tried putting his bib in his mouth and with some peas that had some how gotten on his head! I really wish I had three hands so I could take a picture while I was feeding him. And of course I followed with another 6 oz of breastmilk. He is such an eater that I'm amazed at how well he ate his first solids! Hopefully this will keep up and we can have a great routine!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I swear every morning Jackson wakes up he has grown more than he was the other day! I just can't believe my baby boy is getting so big. Just the other day he finally put his nook in his mouth all by himself and was pretty happy with his BIG accomplishment! We're still waiting for him to roll over I just think he likes to have me hold him up rather than take the time to roll over! LOL!

Oh and to it top off my son has decided that he is not going to breastfed anymore! As if he thinks he needs to move on to bigger and better things in life! So I went to the store today to pick up some baby food even though the dr's say to wait until 6 months but breastmilk doesn't seem to fill him up anymore. I guess tomorrow will be the big day and see how he likes it?!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

4 month appointment

Since we're staying with my parents while Nate is gone our insurance has been giving us the run around so I had to wait until yesturday to take J in for his 4 month well baby check. So I finally got him in and all is great. He weighed 14 lbs 12 oz and measured 25 in. long. He's already over twice the size he was when he was born... can't believe it! And of course he had to get his immunizations which I hate to be there for but he did amazing. He just screamed for 15 seconds and then put a smile on his face to flirt with the nurse (he is so much like his father)! Jackson is such a trooper!

Another good night...

For the past week Jackson has been sleeping until 5 a.m. which is pretty good since he falls asleep around 9 or 10 p.m. It seems to help of he gets a little cereal to top him off after he feeds which makes me wonder how much longer unitl he's onto bigger and better meals?